Stand 3165 Calibration check technology: the temperature sensor that checks itself Thanks to the improved inline calibration process, the TCC ifm
Stand 3295 Cavity ring down spectroscopy analyzers A CRDS (Cavity RingDown Spectroscopy) analyzer measures the time Kelma nv
Stand 3173 cCare | Fully Automated Sensor Maintenance System for pH cCare ensures accurate measurements through fully automatic cleaning and Elscolab Nv
Stand 3288 CO₂ Probe GMP252 CO₂ Probe GMP252 for ppm-level measurements in agriculture, refrigeration, Vaisala
Stand 3288 Compact Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP9 for rapidly changing environments The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP9 is Vaisala
Stand 3239 Compact radar sensor VEGAPULS 42 Compact radar sensor for continuous level measurement – for Vega Belgium
Stand 3173 Compact ultrasonic level measurement Ijinus’s LNU is a compact ultrasonic level sensor. It’s Elscolab Nv