The measurement of flare gas in the petrochemical industry is one of the most important gas flow measurements. When it comes to dynamic range and accuracy, ultrasonic flowmeters are the best solution. With FLOWSIC100 Flare-XT, SICK has developed a new generation of ultrasonic measuring devices that are completely reliable and accurate even under the most extreme conditions. Thanks to i-diagnostics™ software, the system monitors itself and informs the user in real time when maintenance is required, making fixed service intervals a thing of the past. The patented Active Sound Correlation (ASC) technology pushes the boundaries of conventional flare gas measurements and increases the measuring range: when the ultrasonic signal is blown away at very high gas flows, the correlation technology takes over and ensures the highest availability even at extreme gas flows.
FLARE gas measurements redefined, with Flowsic Flare XT
A new generation of ultrasonic measuring devices that are completely reliable and accurate even under the most extreme conditions.
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